July 18th, 2018 Cosmin ManciRO: –
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Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials
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Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials
RO: Papucul doamnei
DE: Gelbe Frauenschuh
EN: Lady’s-slipper Orchid
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DE: Weiße Höswurz
EN: Small White Orchid
RO: Untul-vacii, poroinicul-mic, unt-de-brânză, gemanarița, bujorel, bojor, boașele-popii, gonitoare, untișor
DE: Kleine Knabenkraut
EN: Green-winged Orchid
Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online free of commercials
Natural hybrid between Orchis purpurea and Orchis simia
RO: Pribolnic
DE: Affen-Knabenkraut
EN: The Monkey orchid
Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online free of commercials
RO: Bujori; Gemănariţă; Poroinic
DE: Purpur-Knabenkraut
EN: The Lady Orchid