July 16th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: ???
DE: Braunrote Stendelwurz
EN: Dark Red Helleborine
- a rhizomous plant (a short one) producing one or several stems sometime very tall (usually 20 to 60 cm but sometime can reach 100 cm)
- the inflorescence is lax but not very long with around 10 flowers with a distinctive vanilla scent
- in flower from June to July (depends on latitude an altitude)
- pollination is done by different species (mainly Hymenoptera) of insects atracted by nectar
- found in full sun or partial shade, specially on calcareous wet to dry skeletal substrate
- can be found almost in all Europe and Asia, but more rare in the Mediterranean zone
- 2n = 38, 40, 60
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
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July 16th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: ?
DE: Fuchs’ Knabenkraut
EN: Common Spotted-orchid
- in general a slender plant but can be quite tall sometime (reaching ~70 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is variable in flower density and flower number, but usually is more or less lax with around 20-30 flowers
- in flower from june to august (depends on latitude and specially the altitude)
- pollination is done by different species of insect
- found in a variety of habitats: dry to wet, full sun to shade, but prefering alkaline substrate
- widespread in Europe and sometime can be quite common
- 2n = 40
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
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July 12th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Mlăştiniţă
DE: Sumpf-Stendelwurz
EN: Marsh Helleborine
- a rhizomous plant producing one or several stems sometime very tall (usually 15 to 60 cm but sometime can reach 90 cm)
- the inflorescence is lax but not very long with around 10 flowers
- in flower from June to August (depends on latitude an altitude)
- pollination is done by different species (mainly Hymenoptera and Coleoptera) of insects atracted by nectar
- found on damp to wet substrate in full sun, specially on alkaline substrate but also on acid one
- can be found almost in all Europe and Asia, but more rare in north and south
- 2n = 40, 44, 46, 48
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
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July 7th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Ouăle popii
DE: Ziegen-Riemenzunge
EN: Lizard Orchid
- a very robust plant (with more than 50 cm in height), sometime when in flower the leaves are dead
- the inflorescence is relatively lax with numerous flowers (~40) with very long lip (even to 100mm)
- in flower late from june to august
- pollination is done by different species of insect atracted by fetid scent
- rare and local in full sun or mid shade, on calcareous, dry station
- found in Balkans and Anatolia
- 2n = …
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
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June 9th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Trânji, Cuibul pământului
DE: Vogel-Nestwurz
EN: Bird’s-nest Orchid
- a brownish-yellow species, a non-photosynthetic orchid without leaves orchid with a long inflorescence (15-50 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is cylindrical, with numerous flowers
- in flower May to July (depends on latitude an altitude)
- mostly a self pollination species, but this is done also by flies (Diptera), sometime may flower and fruit underground
- found on alkaline to neutral substrates ussualy in shade but rare also on the edge of forest
- can be found in almost all Eurasia
- 2n = 36
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
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June 9th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Buhai, Coada-şobolanului
DE: Großes Zweiblatt
EN: European Common Twayblade
- a two leaves orchid with a long spike of flowers (20-60 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is lax to dense, long with 20 to 80 flower usually
- in flower May to July (depends on latitude an altitude)
- pollination is done by different species of insect specially different Hymenoptera species
- found in a wide range of habitats up to more than 2000 m, in full sun or full shade areas (with a prefference for shade)
- can be found almost in all Europe, but rare in mediterranean area
- 2n = 32, 34, 38, 42
In the majority of the books found under the name of Listera ovata.
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
Posted in Ireland, Romania | No Comments »
June 8th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Ploşniţoasă
DE: Wanzen-Knabenkraut
EN: Bug Orchid
- a slender orchid (15-50 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is dense and not very long with numerous flowers
- in flower from end of April to July (usually in June)
- pollination is done by different species of insect atracted by nectar
- found on slightly acidic of slightly alkaline substrate in grassy habitats
- can be found almost in Central and Southern Europe
- 2n = 36, 38
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June 5th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Mâna Maicii Domnului
DE: Geflecktes Knabenkraut
EN: Heath Spotted Orchid
- a slender to robust orchid (15-60 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is ussualy dense with 15 to 50 flowers
- in flower from end of May to August (depends on latitude and altitude)
- pollination is done by different species of insect
- found on acid substrate in full sun or shade on moist or wet habitatss
- widespread in all temperate and boreal Europe, sometime abundant
- 2n = 80
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
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June 3rd, 2009 Cosmin Manci
Today I have received a ring flash that I just ordered and because for almost a week the weather was really bad and today some sun come out I have not resisted. So at the sunset i have tried the new tool… hopping for for some orchids, some sleepy butterfly and what will be. Not the best weather (still wet and with some wind… with long exposure…).
Dactylorhiza maculata (photographed some exemplary, there where hundreds of them), the white one is probably Dactylorhiza maculata transsilvanica or close.
Observed also Platanthera bifolia, Orchis coriophora and Orchis elegans but was to dark, windy and rainy to photo also this, next time).
Some of the photos I have taken:
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March 19th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Ură
DE: Mücken-Händelwurz
EN: Fragrant Orchid
- a tall and slender orchid usually (20-80 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is long and relatively dense (with tens of flowers)
- in flower late may to august
- pollination is done mainly by butterflies and moths
- this species is found in a large variety of habitats, but will prefer to be in full sun with dry to wet calcareous substrate
- a common species in Europe, mostly in montane area
- 2n = 40
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
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