Ophrys insectifera L.

November 20th, 2012 Cosmin Manci

RO: –
DE: Fliegen-Ragwurz
EN: Fly Orchid

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Ophrys apifera Huds.

November 3rd, 2012 Cosmin Manci

RO: –
DE: Bienen-Ragwurz
EN: Bee Orchid

  • a robust orchid (20-50 cm in height)
  • on a plant 4 to 12 flowers
  • in flower April to July (depends on latitude an altitude)
  • usually self pollination
  • found in a large variety of habitats (wet or dry, full sun or shade) but preferring alkaline substrate
  • can be found almost in all Europe

Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó

July 16th, 2009 Cosmin Manci

RO: ?
DE: Fuchs’ Knabenkraut
EN: Common Spotted-orchid

  • in general a slender plant but can be quite tall sometime (reaching ~70 cm in height)
  • the inflorescence is variable in flower density and flower number, but usually is more or less lax with around 20-30 flowers
  • in flower from june to august (depends on latitude and specially the altitude)
  • pollination is done by different species of insect
  • found in a variety of habitats: dry to wet, full sun to shade, but prefering alkaline substrate
  • widespread in Europe and sometime can be quite common
  • 2n = 40

Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.


Neottia ovata (L.) Bluff & Fingerhuth

June 9th, 2009 Cosmin Manci

RO: Buhai, Coada-şobolanului
DE: Großes Zweiblatt
EN: European Common Twayblade

  • a two leaves orchid with a long spike of flowers (20-60 cm in height)
  • the inflorescence is lax to dense, long with 20 to 80 flower usually
  • in flower May to July (depends on latitude an altitude)
  • pollination is done by different species of insect specially different Hymenoptera species
  • found in a wide range of habitats up to more than 2000 m, in full sun or full shade areas (with a prefference for shade)
  • can be found almost in all Europe, but rare in mediterranean area
  • 2n = 32, 34, 38, 42

In the majority of the books found under the name of Listera ovata.

Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.


Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich.

March 19th, 2009 Cosmin Manci

RO: Stupiniţă
DE: Zweiblättrige Waldhyazinthe
EN: Lesser Butterfly-orchid

  • usually a slender but tall plant (15-90 cm in height)
  • the inflorescence is long and lax, with 12 to 40 (or more) flowers
  • in flower early may to august
  • pollination is done specially by butterfly and moths
  • a not specialized orchid, can be found in a variety of habitats, full sun to mid-shade, dry to moist, on neutral, basic or acidic substrate
  • found almost in all Europe, rare in the south
  • 2n = 42

Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.


Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó

March 18th, 2009 Cosmin Manci

RO: ?
DE: Fleischfarbene Knabenkraut
EN: Early Marsh-orchid

  • usually a robust and tall plant (15-80 cm in height) with hollow stem
  • the inflorescence is dense and big with a lot of flower, even can reach 200, usually around 70 flowers
  • in flower early may to july (or august on higher altitude or in north)
  • pollination is done by different species of insect
  • found in full sun, on alkaline to neutral substrate, damp or wet condition
  • found almost in all Europe
  • 2n = 40

Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.


Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich.

March 16th, 2009 Cosmin Manci

RO: Bujor
DE: Pyramiden-Hundswurz
EN: Pyramidal Orchid

  • a slender but tall orchid (20-70 cm in height)
  • the inflorescence is big (3-12cm) and dense
  • in flower April to July (depends on latitude and altitude)
  • pollination is done by different species of butterflies and moths
  • found in a large variety of habitats dry habitats in full sun on calcareous substrate
  • can be found almost in all Europe
  • 2n = 36, 54, 72

Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
