November 20th, 2012 Cosmin Manci
RO: –
DE: Fliegen-Ragwurz
EN: Fly Orchid
Posted in Ireland | No Comments »
November 3rd, 2012 Cosmin Manci
RO: –
DE: Bienen-Ragwurz
EN: Bee Orchid
- a robust orchid (20-50 cm in height)
- on a plant 4 to 12 flowers
- in flower April to July (depends on latitude an altitude)
- usually self pollination
- found in a large variety of habitats (wet or dry, full sun or shade) but preferring alkaline substrate
- can be found almost in all Europe
Posted in Greece, Ireland | No Comments »
July 16th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: ?
DE: Fuchs’ Knabenkraut
EN: Common Spotted-orchid
- in general a slender plant but can be quite tall sometime (reaching ~70 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is variable in flower density and flower number, but usually is more or less lax with around 20-30 flowers
- in flower from june to august (depends on latitude and specially the altitude)
- pollination is done by different species of insect
- found in a variety of habitats: dry to wet, full sun to shade, but prefering alkaline substrate
- widespread in Europe and sometime can be quite common
- 2n = 40
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
Posted in Ireland, Romania | No Comments »
June 9th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Buhai, Coada-şobolanului
DE: Großes Zweiblatt
EN: European Common Twayblade
- a two leaves orchid with a long spike of flowers (20-60 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is lax to dense, long with 20 to 80 flower usually
- in flower May to July (depends on latitude an altitude)
- pollination is done by different species of insect specially different Hymenoptera species
- found in a wide range of habitats up to more than 2000 m, in full sun or full shade areas (with a prefference for shade)
- can be found almost in all Europe, but rare in mediterranean area
- 2n = 32, 34, 38, 42
In the majority of the books found under the name of Listera ovata.
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
Posted in Ireland, Romania | No Comments »
March 19th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Stupiniţă
DE: Zweiblättrige Waldhyazinthe
EN: Lesser Butterfly-orchid
- usually a slender but tall plant (15-90 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is long and lax, with 12 to 40 (or more) flowers
- in flower early may to august
- pollination is done specially by butterfly and moths
- a not specialized orchid, can be found in a variety of habitats, full sun to mid-shade, dry to moist, on neutral, basic or acidic substrate
- found almost in all Europe, rare in the south
- 2n = 42
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
Posted in Ireland, Romania | No Comments »
March 18th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: ?
DE: Fleischfarbene Knabenkraut
EN: Early Marsh-orchid
- usually a robust and tall plant (15-80 cm in height) with hollow stem
- the inflorescence is dense and big with a lot of flower, even can reach 200, usually around 70 flowers
- in flower early may to july (or august on higher altitude or in north)
- pollination is done by different species of insect
- found in full sun, on alkaline to neutral substrate, damp or wet condition
- found almost in all Europe
- 2n = 40
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
Posted in Ireland, Romania | No Comments »
March 16th, 2009 Cosmin Manci
RO: Bujor
DE: Pyramiden-Hundswurz
EN: Pyramidal Orchid
- a slender but tall orchid (20-70 cm in height)
- the inflorescence is big (3-12cm) and dense
- in flower April to July (depends on latitude and altitude)
- pollination is done by different species of butterflies and moths
- found in a large variety of habitats dry habitats in full sun on calcareous substrate
- can be found almost in all Europe
- 2n = 36, 54, 72
Embedded map with records for Romania found in myNature database.
Posted in Ireland, Italy | No Comments »